Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the Focus of CLLMP?
already exist in the state to help them better manage their natural resources which includes soil, springs, other water sources, forests, bio-diversity and others. This would lead to an enhanced and healthy eco-system that can sustain various livelihood and economic activities.
2. What are the core objectives of CLLMP?
The project objective is “to strengthen community-led landscape management in landscapes in the state of Meghalaya”. The Project objective includes the following sub-objectives:
- Sustainable Management of natural resource for economic growth to manage and conserve the natural resources, especially forests, soil and water sources, in a manner that supports the financial and physical well-being of communities in the State
- Institutional development: develop and institutionalise a model for government support to community-led management of natural resources that can be replicated in other parts of India.
3. Is CLLMP restricted to particular Districts or Blocks?
CLLMP is being implemented through two components. The first component aims at equipping people with knowledge and knowhow for sustainable natural resource management. This component involves documentation and dissemination of knowledge to increase awareness and ability to take action, identification and promotion of traditional knowledge on Natural resource management and capacity building of community members to enable them to come up with their own natural resource management plans and to find relevant sources of financial and technical support to implement these plans. This component will be implemented in all the villages of the state.
The second component focuses on supporting a smaller number of villages that are located in the most degraded landscape in the state. These villages will be selected from a set of villages identified as critical landscape by the North-East Space Application Centre (NESAC). spread over 35 watershed and 179 sub-watersheds of Meghalaya. Based on nature of the degradation, the villages have been classified into three categories namely (i) most critical (very high priority), (ii) moderately critical (high priority), and (iii) low priority areas. However, since the data collected by NESAC is over 5 years old, it is likely that the number of villages under the different categories may have increased over the years. Therefore, ground-truthing of classified villages will first be undertaken by MBMA before intervention under the Project. Under this component, a total of 400 villages would be supported.
4. What is the time period of the project?
The project will be implemented over a period of 5 years from May, 2018 to June, 2023.
5. What are the roles and responsibilities of SPMU?
- Provides infrastructural and institutional support to district and block units and VNRMCs.
- Preparation and approval of State-level CLLMP Plan
- Financial management
- Procurement management and monitoring
- Preparation and dissemination of technical manuals for project activities,
including COM - Preparation and implementation of Knowledge Management strategy
- Preparation of various research studies, baseline study, strategy paper and action
plans - Provide geo-spatial data and analysis to support CNRM planning and monitoring
- Monitoring and evaluation through IT and ICT platforms, including the citizens’
engagement process - Grievance Redressal
6. What are the roles and responsibilities of DPMU?
- Technical and safeguards oversight
- Screening and approval of CNRM plans
- Finance management, release of funds to VNRMC, procurement
- Carrying out procurements, as approved by SPMU
- M&E for the project, including facilitation of the citizens’ engagement process
- Training needs assessment and capacity- building
- Grievance redressal
7. What are the roles and responsibilities of VNRMC?
- The VNRMC is responsible overall for preparation and implementation of plans andmanagement of project fund, procurement and supervising, forming various sub committees under the project, etc.
- The VNRMC is also responsible for the selection of up to 8 youth as NRM facilitators who will undertake training and provide services in the core areas of forest, soil and water, environment, social, community and rural development management.
- These facilitators will support the VNRMC executive committee by preparing and implementing CNRM plans. Additionally, the VNRMC would budget and pay for the services of these facilitators, as per the type of support procured.
8. What is a CNRMP and how is it prepared?
A CNRMP (Community Natural Resource Management Plan) is a comprehensive plan prepared by the communities to address various issues pertaining to their natural resources. The CNRMP is prepared through a consultative process involving the entire community. The plans typically comprise a number of interventions identified by the community, along with their technical designs and cost estimates, that would together enable the community to address the various natural resource management challenges.
9. What are the principles of Community Procurement?
- Transparency in all Processes
- No violation of law
- An equal and fair opportunity to all
- Accountability
- integrity
- Value for money
10. What are the important aspects of community procurement?
- Demand Estimation: What will be procured and in what quantities?
- Supply Market Survey: To identify suppliers in the nearest and neighbouring markets who can meet the demand and to invite quotations (a minimum of 3 quotations are required)
- Estimated Cost (should be within with the funds made available for approved CNRMP)
- Who will procure it (Name of Beneficiaries and their authorized representatives/purchase Committee)
- When will it be procured (Time at which the procurements are required as well as time taken for procurement to complete the sub-project on timely basis)
- Where the goods/material/works/services will be delivered 9 location/delivery point/transportation, etc.)
11. Why Purchase Committee?
Purchase Committee is a sub-committee of the VNRMC comprising of the representatives of the community which shall assist the VNRMC in the planning, execution, administration and monitoring of the procurement functions in line with the approved CNRM Plans.
It is established through an elective process requiring a minimum level of capability as specified by the VNRMC and the inclusion of at least one female member.
12. How will community procurement be carried out?
The Purchase committee will issue request for quotation to potential suppliers in the market and provide them at least 14 days for responses. The quotations are to be opened in the presence of the suppliers and the quoted prices, quantities are noted in a comparison sheet. Award the contract by issuing work/supply order to the lowest evaluated responsive supplier.
13. What do you mean by Request for Quotations (RFQ)?
An RFQ is an invitation to submit a quotation, usually for goods/services/civil works at a value up to INR 100,000 (Rupees One Lakh) prices and other commercial terms and conditions are requested and award is made to the lowest evaluated price.
14. What are the procurement processes?
- Need Assessment [based on the approved CNRMP] through a participatory process
- Preparing a procurement plan
- Establishing a Purchase Committee comprising of community members
- Posting a general advertisement in a public place [i] including shopping areas, community hall/centre, government office, etc.; [ii] community discussion groups; [iii] local radio stations; [iv] local newspapers etc.
- Selecting a procurement method (as per procurement plan) and following the steps as per the method.
15. What happen if an adequate market to seek 3 quotations is not available?
In exceptional situation where (i) an adequate market to seek 3 quotations is not available in the location where the VNRMC is located (ii) cost of transportation etc., outweighs the benefits of seeking quotations from district Head Quarters and other cities/towns), direct contracting method should be adopted. There should be adequate justification in the documentation that the above situation exists and to ensure that the single source is not charging excessive prices, unit rate should be verified as reasonable and comparable with government rates, wherever available.
16. What is Direct Contracting System?
Direct Contracting is a method usually used where only one supplier/contractor/service provider is available locally, or, when the cost of using a competitive process such as RFQ is likely to be much higher relative to the value of goods procured directly from the available source. This method should not be applied extensively. Examples of direct contracting include procurement of proprietary goods, spare parts, stones, works that are small and scattered or in remote location where mobilization cost for contractors would be unreasonably high, etc. Justification for Direct Contracting should be available in community procurement records. To ensure that the single source is not charging excessive prices, unit rate should be verified as reasonable and comparable with government rates, wherever available.
17. How does VNRMC pays suppliers?
The payment terms are normally 10-15 days upon receipt of invoice and delivery of goods. Mode of payment is only by account payee cheque.