Nestled in the heart of Meghalaya’s lush landscapes lies Perkseh village, a sanctuary nestled within the East Khasi Hills District. Here, amidst the verdant beauty of India’s natural bounty, a remarkable initiative is taking root – the preservation of medicinal herbs through the creation of a vibrant herbal garden.

Meghalaya boasts a rich tapestry of medicinal plants and holds a treasure trove of botanical wonders. Recognizing the invaluable potential of these herbs in treating a myriad of ailments, the community of Perkseh has embarked on a mission to safeguard these natural treasures.

At the helm of this endeavour are the village’s traditional healers, revered guardians of ancient wisdom and herbal lore. With deep reverence for the healing power of nature, these healers have long served as custodians of traditional medicine, harnessing the potent properties of plants to alleviate suffering and restore health.

In a bid to conserve these invaluable resources, Perkseh village has embraced the concept of herbal gardening. Recognizing the urgency of the situation as many herbs face the threat of extinction, the villagers have taken decisive action to ensure the survival and proliferation of these botanical treasures.

The herbal garden, lovingly established at Law Adong, stands as a testament to the community’s commitment to preserving its natural heritage. Spanning a generous expanse, this verdant sanctuary plays host to a diverse array of plant species, each possessing unique medicinal properties.

Among the herbs lovingly cultivated in the garden are Houttuynia cordata, Flemingia procumbens, and Centella asiatica, cherished for their ability to treat ailments ranging from diarrhoea and dysentery to gastritis and injuries. These plants, carefully tended by the villagers, serve as a living pharmacy, offering remedies derived from the earth itself.

The construction of the herbal garden, made possible through the support of the Community Led Landscape Management Project (CLLMP), marks a significant milestone in the village’s conservation efforts. With the aid of CLLMP, the villagers have constructed a spring chamber, protection wall and seed bank, significantly enhancing the benefits derived from the herbal garden. The construction of the spring chamber has facilitated the collection of water for both daily use and irrigation purposes, ensuring a steady water supply for the plants. Additionally, the protection wall serves to prevent soil erosion, thus safeguarding the fertile topsoil essential for plant growth. Furthermore, the establishment of the seed bank at Pdemdieng Perkseh offers another avenue for conserving plant species. A seed bank acts as a repository for storing seeds, preserving their genetic diversity for future use. By storing the seeds of medicinal plants in the seed bank, alongside the herbal garden, we ensure the preservation of their genetic diversity until the planting season arrives. This symbiotic relationship between the seed bank and herbal garden underscores the importance of conservation efforts in maintaining the rich biodiversity of plant species for generations to come.


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