Nestled amidst the serene landscapes of Meghalaya’s Ri-Bhoi district lies Umdohbyrthih, a village pulsating with a commitment to environmental sustainability and community engagement. In an innovative stride, the village has embraced the involvement of its school children in the Community-led Landscape Management Project, marking a significant leap towards a greener, more inclusive future.

Strategically located within proximity to district and block headquarters as well as the state capital, Umdohbyrthih covers 304.47 hectares and shelters a close-knit community of 412 villagers. The decision to join the landscape management project mirrors the village’s profound dedication to preserving its natural heritage while fostering sustainable development.

What distinguishes Umdohbyrthih is its deep-rooted belief in community involvement, particularly empowering its youth. Engaging local school children in decision-making and hands-on activities epitomizes this ethos, granting them ownership and responsibility for their environment.

Umdohbyrthih thus emerges not merely as a participant but as a proactive architect of its destiny.

The involvement of school children stands out as a beacon of the project, underlining the village’s commitment to educating the next generation on sustainable practices. Through initiatives like kitchen gardens, Umdohbyrthih is nurturing a cohort well-versed in environmental stewardship and healthy living.





A pivotal moment occurred on March 17, 2023, as Landmark Secondary School inked a Memorandum of Agreement, marking the formal collaboration between the school and the local community. Subsequently, students rolled up their sleeves, clearing and plowing land, heralding the commencement of the plantation project. Their enthusiastic involvement underscores a collective commitment to success.

Acknowledging this symbiotic effort, Kong Aphira Syllaing, the Headmistress of Landmark Secondary School, extolled the partnership’s potential in educating young minds on natural resource management and agriculture’s significance. The integration of vermicomposting further enriches this educational tapestry, promoting sustainable practices.
Beyond imparting knowledge, this collaboration fosters values like teamwork, accountability, and environmental consciousness. By engaging students across grade levels in diverse activities, the project cultivates a sense of shared responsibility and camaraderie.

The selection of vegetables for the kitchen garden not only serves educational purposes but also promotes healthier eating habits among students, fostering a deeper connection to nature. Furthermore, the economic viability of organic farming is showcased as the school reaps a tangible income from vegetable sales, reinforcing the project’s sustainability. Additionally, harvested produce enriches the school’s mid-day meal program, directly benefiting students’ well-being.

In essence, Landmark Secondary School’s kitchen garden project embodies the transformative power of education in shaping responsible citizens equipped with knowledge and values essential for a sustainable future.




Details provided by the Landmark Secondary School

Sl no

Vegetables  sold












Lady’s Finger




Fresh Beans








Local Yam

01 Kg




Distributed to students 





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