Innovation Projects: 

Mr. Jorsing Syngkli’s innovation project revolves around the development and implementation of a solution to combat the pervasive issue of crop destruction by pests, with a primary focus on protecting paddy fields, local edible herbs, and his home organic vegetables. Initially conceptualized as ‘organic pesticides,’ the project has evolved into what Mr. Syngkli now terms ‘food concoction,’ reflecting its natural and sustainable approach to pest management. At the heart of this endeavor lies the formulation of a bio-pesticide crafted from locally sourced ingredients, demonstrating Mr. Syngkli’s commitment to leveraging traditional knowledge and indigenous resources in addressing agricultural challenges.

A key aspect of Mr. Syngkli’s innovation project is the meticulous self  testing his  bio-pesticide’s efficacy and safety. Mr. Syngkli ensures rigorous evaluation to validate the effectiveness of his formulation in pest control. Moreover, stringent safety standards are upheld to minimize any adverse impact on the environment and human health. Through these comprehensive testing procedures, Mr. Syngkli aims to instill confidence in the reliability and sustainability of his innovation among farmers and agricultural stakeholders.

Beyond formulation self testing, Mr. Syngkli’s innovation project encompasses the establishment of a sustainable supply chain for the production and distribution of the bio-pesticide. By creating efficient processes for sourcing raw materials, manufacturing, and packaging, he endeavors to ensure the accessibility and affordability of the product to local farmers. Through this approach, Mr. Syngkli not only addresses the immediate challenge of pest management but also promotes sustainability, environmental stewardship, and community resilience in rural farming communities.

Chapter: Food Concoction unit of Bah Jorsing Syngkli

Mr. Jorsing Syngkli’s journey encapsulates the essence of local innovation and community-driven solutions in addressing pest challenges face by local farmers. In this chapter, the focus is on the grassroots level, emphasizing the significance of initiatives that originate from the very heart of rural communities.

Mr. Syngkli’s involvement with the Grassroot initiative underscores the pivotal role of local entrepreneurship and ingenuity in driving sustainable development. As a farmer from the small village of Mawkangi, Umling C&RD block of Ri-Bhoi, Mr. Syngkli epitomizes the grassroots innovator, whose work is deeply rooted in the soil and intimately connected to the local ecosystem.

Through the Grassroot initiative, Mr. Syngkli found support and resources to nurture his innovative ideas and transform them into tangible solutions. This chapter highlights the collaborative efforts between Mr. Syngkli and the MBMA-CLLMP, amplifying  the impact of grassroots innovations.

Moreover, this chapter delves into the specific support provided by the Grassroot initiative, such as funding, technical assistance, and access to networks. These resources played a crucial role in catalyzing Mr. Syngkli’s project, enabling him to overcome barriers and realize his vision of developing an organic pesticide.

Furthermore, the chapter sheds light on the broader implications of grassroots initiatives like the one Mr. Syngkli undertook. It emphasizes the importance of bottom-up approaches in addressing complex challenges, as they empower local communities to take ownership of their development trajectories.

Mr. Jorsing Syngkli’s narrative celebrates the power of grassroots innovation as a driving force for positive change. It underscores the transformative potential inherent in local knowledge, resourcefulness, and community engagement, ultimately contributing to a more resilient and sustainable agricultural landscape.

Introduction (About the grassroot): 

Mr. Jorsing Syngkli’s grassroots work is a testament to the power of local innovation and community-driven solutions in addressing agricultural challenges. Hailing from the small village of Mawkangi in the Umling C&RD block, Mr. Syngkli embodies the spirit of rural entrepreneurship and ingenuity. At the age of 72, he serves as the sole provider for his children and grandchildren, deriving his livelihood from farming in the picturesque countryside of Meghalaya, India.

Faced with the persistent threat of crop destruction by pests, particularly in paddy fields, Mr. Syngkli embarked on a journey of exploration and discovery. Despite the constraints of poverty, which made purchasing chemical pesticides a burden, Mr. Syngkli tapped into his vast reserves of traditional knowledge and embarked on a quest to find a sustainable solution rooted in nature’s bounty.

This endeavor led Mr. Syngkli to the conception of an organic pesticide, born out of locally sourced ingredients and indigenous wisdom. He meticulously collected and cultivated the necessary components, establishing a nursery and constructed a unit to sell his produce to develop his innovative formulation. With the financial assistance recieved from MBMA-CLLMP Fund funded by the World Bank and in collaboration with the CLLMP DPMU Ri-Bhoi District, Mr. Syngkli’s project gained momentum, receiving validation through testing for safety and effectiveness.

Beyond mere pesticide development, Mr. Syngkli’s grassroots work extends to income generation and community empowerment. By setting up a unit for selling his produce, he not only sustains his own livelihood but also fosters economic opportunities for fellow farmers. Furthermore, his commitment to sharing knowledge and promoting organic farming practices exemplifies his dedication to community well-being and environmental sustainability.

In the lush landscapes of Meghalaya, Mr. Jorsing Syngkli’s grassroots work brings hope and inspiration, showcasing the transformative potential of local innovation in addressing global challenges. His story highlights the resilience and resourcefulness of rural communities, whose solutions, nurtured by initiatives like the Grassroot Innovation Fund, have the power to shape a more sustainable future for agriculture and beyond.

Scope of Work  

Mr. Jorsing Syngkli embarked on a multifaceted journey to develop his organic pesticide innovation, starting with thorough research and development. Delving into traditional knowledge and innovative techniques, he meticulously identified locally available resources  for the making of his organic Bio-Pesticides. . This initial phase laid the foundation for his subsequent work, where he focused on sourcing and cultivating these ingredients sustainably. Mr. Syngkli collected and purchased seeds, saplings, and herbs from the local and neibouring village  to establishing a nursery to cultivate medicinal plants essential for pesticide production.

With the ingredients in hand, Mr. Syngkli proceeded to set up infrastructure to support his innovation. He constructed a nursery spanning approximately 5,000 square feet, employing bamboo structures, polyhouses, and bio-degradable pots for planting medicinal herbs. Recognizing the physical limitations posed by his age, Mr. Syngkli wisely enlisted the help of labourers for tasks such as land clearance, nursery setup, planting, harvesting, and processing of ingredients.

Ensuring the safety and efficacy of his organic pesticide was paramount for Mr. Syngkli. He conducted rigorous self-testing, including trials on rice and paddy crops, local herbs, and vegetables to validate its effectiveness against pests while maintaining environmental and human safety standards. Additionally, Mr. Syngkli explored avenues for income generation by setting up a unit to sell his produce. This not only provided him with a sustainable source of income but also facilitated the distribution of his organic pesticide to other farmers in the community.

Throughout his endeavor, Mr. Syngkli actively engaged with the local community, sharing his knowledge and experiences with fellow farmers. He advocated for the adoption of organic farming practices and encouraged others to explore innovative solutions to agricultural challenges. Mr. Syngkli’s comprehensive scope of work embodies his commitment to sustainable approaches in addressing the pressing issue of agricultural pest management.

Highlights of Implementation (About the grassroot): 

The Grassroot Innovation Fund, in collaboration with CLLMP,supported by the World Bank, facilitated Mr. Syngkli in developing and implementing his organic pesticide innovation, which effectively addresses agricultural pest control challenges. With this support, Mr. Syngkli successfully established a nursery, conducted thorough research, and self  tested his bio-pesticide for safety and effectiveness. Additionally, he inaugurated a unit for selling his produce, marking a significant milestone in his journey towards sustainable agriculture.

Financial Expenditure and Funding 

Under the The Grassroot Innovation Fund, Mr.Syngkli received financial support totalling ₹3,00,000 in two installment.This funding facilitated the setup of Nursery, procurement of materials, labor costs, research, testing, and  setting up of Food concoction Unit.

Impact Analysis of Jorsing’s Work: 

The Grassroot Innovation Fund has made a profound impact on rural communities by empowering local farmers like Mr. Syngkli to tackle critical challenges, including agricultural pest management. Mr. Syngkli’s innovative solution holds promise for enhancing crop yields, diminishing dependency on chemical pesticides, and elevating farmers’ livelihoods. Furthermore, it fosters the adoption of organic farming practices, promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship in agriculture.

Overall Impact of Shri Jorsing Syngkli Innovation: 

The Grassroot Innovation Fund has contributed to the development and implementation of innovative solutions that benefit the farmers, rural communities thus promoting  sustainable agriculture. By supporting initiatives like Mr. Syngkli’s organic pesticide innovation, the fund fosters economic growth, environmental conservation, and community resilience.

Summary of Achievements (About the grassroot): 

The Grassroot Innovation Fund has achieved notable success in nurturing grassroots innovations aimed at tackling local challenges. Mr. Syngkli’s project serves as a prime example of the positive outcomes stemming from this initiative. Key achievements include the development of an organic pesticide, establishment of a nursery, and successful testing of the innovation for safety and efficacy. Moreover, the project has provided Mr. Syngkli with a sustainable source of income through the sale of his produce, further highlighting the impact of the Grassroot Innovation Fund in supporting rural entrepreneurs.

Community and Environmental Benefits of Syngkli Innovation: 

The Grassroot Innovation Fund projects, including Mr. Syngkli’s organic pesticide innovation, offer significant benefits the farmers, community ,and the environment. These include improved crop productivity, reduced chemical pesticide usage, preservation of biodiversity, and enhanced sustainability in agriculture.

Conclusion and Future Directions (About the grassroot): 

In conclusion, Mr. Jorsing Syngkli’s organic pesticide innovation represents a remarkable achievement in addressing the critical issue of agricultural pest management in rural communities. Through his ingenuity, perseverance, and the support of initiatives like the Grassroot Innovation Fund, Mr. Syngkli has developed an effective and environmentally friendly solution to combat crop destruction by pests, particularly in paddy fields.

His project not only demonstrates the power of local knowledge and innovation but also underscores the importance of community-led efforts in solving pressing challenges. By creating an organic pesticide derived from locally sourced ingredients, Mr. Syngkli has not only provided farmers with a viable alternative to chemical pesticides but has also promoted sustainable farming practices and environmental conservation.

Moreover, Mr. Syngkli’s initiative has had tangible benefits for farmers, including improved crop yields, reduced reliance on harmful chemicals, and enhanced livelihoods through the sale of organic produce. It exemplifies how grassroots innovations can lead to positive socio-economic outcomes, benefiting both individuals and communities.

Moving forward, Mr. Syngkli’s organic pesticide innovation serves as a beacon of inspiration for future endeavors in sustainable agriculture. It highlights the potential for innovative solutions to address complex challenges while promoting environmental stewardship and improving the lives of rural communities. As Mr. Syngkli continues his journey, it is evident that his dedication and vision will continue to make a meaningful impact on agriculture and livelihoods in his community and beyond.

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