Strengthening Community Led Natural Resource Management With A Landscape Approach

Strengthening Community Led Natural Resource Management With A Landscape Approach

Strengthening Community Led Natural Resource Management With A Landscape Approach

Strengthening Community Led Natural Resource Management With A Landscape Approach

Strengthening Community Led Natural Resource Management With A Landscape Approach

Strengthening Community Led Natural Resource Management With A Landscape Approach

Strengthening Community Led Natural Resource Management With A Landscape Approach

Meghalaya Basin Management Agency

Government of Meghalaya


Payments for Ecosystem Services( PES )

(Grassroot Level response Towards Ecosystem Enhancement and Nurturing Meghalaya)

The scheme is meant to support villages, communities, clans or individuals that commit to conserve and protect Natural Forests for a minimum period of 30 years.
Villages, communities, clans or individuals that have a minimum of 5 Hectares of Natural Forest are eligible under this scheme. Those with land smaller than 5 Hectare can group their lands with other natural forest land owners so that the total size becomes 5 Hectares or more, provided that these forest lands are close by.

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