The Meghalaya Community Led Landscape Management Project (CLLMP) is a 5-year project that was started in 2018 which is being implemented by the Meghalaya Basin Management Agency (MBMA). The project is a collaboration between the Meghalaya Government and the World Bank.

Meghalaya has large forested areas which make up 70% of the state but a lot of which have been degraded by anthropogenic activities including shifting cultivation, unregulated mining and quarrying activities. This project aims to alleviate these problems by finding solutions to the root of the issues through community led actions. CLLMP aims at finding solutions which will benefit the community in the long run.




The project is highly inclusive and puts a lot of emphasis on local village participation. The core activities of the project will be driven by the communities with all decision making and management resting on the hands of the people. Villages that are interested in participating in CLLMP have to meet certain criteria which range from the severity of landscape degradation to the interest of the people to work together.


The project is broken down into three major components. The first component focuses on strengthening the knowledge of the people of the state and on building their capacity to manage natural resources. This includes the documentation, preservation and propagation of traditional knowledge and other best practices in natural resource management for wider application by the people. The second focuses on restoration of the most degraded landscape in the state, where the project will help the communities prepare and implement natural resource & landscape management plans through rigorous training, handholding and funding support. The final component focuses on establishing a project management and governance structure under MBMA for implementation the project.


Figure: (PRA exercise at Garo Hills) CLLMP stresses on inclusivity where every part of the process includes the community



The biggest stakeholder of the project is the community itself which will witness a significant change in the local landscape. CLLMP will directly impact the quality of life of the local communities through improved natural environment, enhanced productivity and improved livelihood opportunities. By the end of the project period, some of the expected outcomes include:

  1. A 20% to 30% increase in crop production for both Kharif crops (Autumn crops) and Rabi Crop (Summer Crops),
  2. At least 30% of cultivable wasteland would be used for agro-forestry and another 10% for horticulture,
  3. At least 50% of highly degraded forest areas are redeveloped as dense forests through reforestation and natural regeneration.
  4. The project is also expected to impact 22 thousand hectares of degraded land and another 600 hectares of mining affected areas through soil and water conservation measures, and other treatments.
  5. All in all, the total extent of impact would be visible in roughly 30 thousand hectares of land across the state.


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