District:- East Khasi Hills
Kynton Mynnar village falls under Sohiong C&RD Block of East Khasi Hills in the state of Meghalaya. The village lies at a distance of 13 kilometers from block headquarters Sohiong and 40 kilometers from district and state capital Shillong. It falls under Hima Mylliem Syiemship with a total geographical area of 340 hectares and a total population of 430 from 85 households. Land owner here is primarily clan, with the clans of Kharbuki, Langbnang and Kharkrang being predominant. Historically, the village was said to be formed around the year 1943 as narrated by the elder village folks.
Historical Background
Village Profile
1. First Contact
Dated: December 2018
The first contact with Kynton Mynnar was established in December 2018 at a Joint Meeting at Kreit village since the two villages lie in close proximity with each other. It was attended by the executive members of the Dorbar Shnong of both the villages. CLLMP officials briefed them about the project and its tenets. Subsequently, another meeting was held at Sohiong Block Office in January 2019 and it was attended by representatives of all the villages in Sohiong falling under CLLMP.
2. Sensitisation Programme & Ground Truthing
Dated: 12th February 2019
The first sensitisation of CLLMP held at the village coincided with a visit by World Bank officials on the 12th of February, 2019. There were also members from Sadhana Forest, an NGO based in Pondicherry, focussing on reforestation and food security in arid areas. Also in attendance were project officials from SPMU along with the DPMU team. There was a good turn out by the residents of Kynton Mynnar; there were around 150 residents present. Banners of the map and the village were displayed and reports circulated to give the officials from World Bank and Sadhana Forest an understanding of the village. World Bank officials spent some time interacting with the residents and shared a light hearted moment with them.
2.1. Formation of VNRMC
The executive committee of the Dorbar Shnong of Kyrphei after a meeting was formed by the members of VNRMC on the 28th of December, 2018.
3. Opening of Bank Account
The opening of bank account was initiated after the village signed the EoI (Expression of Interest), VGA (Village Grant Agreement) and the Citizen’s Green Charter. Kynton Mynnar opened their bank account on February 2019.
Book Keeping Training
The Finance & Accounts Official of DPMU, East Khasi Hills, CLLMP, conducted the Simple Book Keeping Training on the 29th of June, 2019 at Kynton Mynnar village.
4. PRA Exercise
Dated: 9th June, 2019
The Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) exercise aims to incorporate the knowledge and opinions of the community in the planning and management of development projects and programmes. PRA exercise at Kynton Mynnar was conducted on the 29th of June, 2019. A total of 30 residents took part in this exercise.
- There are six clan forests in the village
- There are three springs: Umbehpor, Umpakra, Umbah. They are used domestically for drinking and washing.
- There are plenty of indigenous trees found here; Khasi: Kseh Bilat, Diengngan, Diengsohum
- There are three rivers: Wah Umiam, Wah Ujop, Wah Lyngkein. They are used for irrigation.
- There are also medicinal plants in the clan forests
Residents taking part in PRA
Village resource map drawn by the residents of Kynton Mynnar
5. Training on the Development of the Community Natural Resource Management Plan (CNRMP)
A comprehensive one-day training and existing CNRMP review for the VNRMC executive members under all the villages under East Khasi Hills was organised on the 2nd of December, 2019 by the DPMU team. A copy of the environmental templates along with the boundary maps were also circulated to the members and explanation to the templates were made accordingly.
The executive members of the VNRMC took a chance to review their current plans and also fill out the data in the new templates.
BDO Visit
The Block Development Officer of Sohiong, Shri M. Challam, along with his team from the Block Office visited Kynton Mynnar and visited the sites for Nursery and Check Dam. The Junior Engineer from the Block interacted with the project officials from East Khasi Hills and also took the measurements and technical specifications of the proposed intervention sites.
6. Project Implementation
Below are the ongoing activities from the CNRMP being implemented in Kynton Mynnar.
Spring chamber under construction at Umbehpor
Community Nursery at Per Shyngiar
Waste Water Treatment at Umpakra
Fund Status
Village | Fund Released (INR) | Expenditure (INR) | Unspent Amount (INR) | Utilisation of Funds (%) |
Kynton Mynnar | 3,30,000.00 | 2,07,919.00 | 1,22,081.00 | 63.01 |