District:- North Garo Hills

Ronggopgre  village  falls under Bajengdoba C&RD block in North Garo Hills district in Meghalaya. The village is at a distance of 38 km away from  Resubelpara the district headquarter of North Garo Hills District. Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for most of the households in the village.

Village Profile

  1. Ground Truthing

Dated: 01st July, 2019

The District Project Management Unit (DPMU) of North Garo Hills District met with the VEC president and secretary along with a few village elders of Ranggopgre village, on the 01st of July, 2019.


  1. The village has 271 HH.
  2. There is no proper access to safe drinking water
  3. Decline in soil fertility
  4. Effects of Jhum Cultivation
  5. Effects of Rubber Plantation
  6. Lack of proper facilities for irrigation



2. Sensitization Programme

Dated: 13th December, 2018

A sensitization programme was held on the 13th of December, 2018 at Ronggopgre village. It saw an attendance of 89 participants comprising of village headman, VEC secretary, village elders, women groups and youth.

The programme started with a welcome address by the headman of the village  followed by a brief introduction of the project by the ADPM of North Garo Hills District. The ADPM stressed that the project is completely community led and also stressed on the importance of women participation while implementing the project.

It was followed by an open discussion, in which many queries were raised by the community members and responded by the DPMU team .

Signing of Documents: The village signed the Expression of Interest (EOI), the Village Grant Agreement (VGA) and Green Charter followed by the selection of candidates for the Village Natural Resource Management Committee (VNRMC). The Village Executive Committee (VEC) and the entire community carried out the procedure and elected the members of the VNRMC.

Formation of the  VNRMC: The formation of  the Village Natural Resource Management Committee was done after the sensitization programme and the community members chose the President, the Secretary and the other executive members of the committee.

3. PRA Exercise

The PRA exercise aims to incorporate the knowledge and opinions of the community in planning and management of developmental projects and programmes. A total of 127 participants out of which 39 males and 88 females  participated and contributed their time and knowledge to this exercise.



4. Development of the Community Natural Resource Management Plan (CNRMP)

The Community Natural Resource Management Plan was prepared on the same day after conducting the PRA exercise. The headman, VNRMC members, women and youth from the village were present to voice their problems and opinion while preparing the Community Natural Resource Management Plan.

5. Proposed Intervention






Priority 1 :- Community Nursery


Priority 2 :- Tree Plantation


Priority 3:- RCC Check Dam


Priority 4:- Filter Tank near Community Hall


Priority 5:- Check Dam


Priority 6:- Spring Chamber



6. Project Implementation

Sl.No Implementation Nos Fund Status
1. Tree Plantation 300 15.380/- Completed
2 Community Nursery 20 beds 1,00,000/- Work in progress



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