This report is a summary of activities conducted by Sadhana Forest under CLLMP in the 25 villages. The activities were carried out in accordance with the Terms of Reference (ToR), signed on 11th February 2020.



Sr. No. Yr Activities Deliverables (D) and Milestones (M) Expected Timeline for Deliverables Status Completed/Not Completed Comments on status
1 1 Preliminary botanical survey to identify indigenous, food producing trees including oxalogenic species. D: Identification of indigenous food producing trees. Already completed. Data will be shared with CLLMP MBMA
M: Inventory ready.
Completed. Database was shared with CLLMP. This is the link to this database: Completed. Completed
2 1 Development of a mobile application dedicated to planning, implementation and monitoring of all aspects of the project. Recruitment and training of expert Sadhana Forest staff. D: Development of a mobile application. Recruitment and training of expert Sadhana Forest staff.
M: Mobile application is functional and SF staff ready to work.
3 months from Date of Receipt of Payment 1. Completed. Completed Mobile application was developed and is used by Sadhana Forest Team. Recruitment and training of staff was executed successfully. Here is a link to a video walk-through of the app.
3 1 Conduct training for SPMU and DPMU personnel and relevant line departments. D: Training for SPMU, DPMU and line departments.
M: Relevant CLLMP and GOI/GOM staff for the first 25 villages are trained.
Months 1-6 (6 Mo) from Date of Receipt of Payment 1. Completed. Completed Training was organised for each of the 25 villages including SPMU and DPMU personnel and relevant line departments in four different blocks of Meghalaya.
4 1 Facilitating needs assessment and prepare plans for implementation in 25 villages, Recording of all relevant baselines. D: Needs assessed and Community led plans prepared.
M: Community plans in 25 villages are completed.
Months 1-9 (9 Mo) from Date of Receipt of Payment 1. Completed. Completed Plans for implementation for 25 CLLMP villages have been designed and submitted to the respective VNRMC bodies and CLLMP office. The 25 CLLMP villages are as follow :-
1. Umkhoi
2. Iewrynghep
3. Mawlyngot
4. Umtong
5. Mawkynrew
6. Domsokhai
7. Nongkdait
8. Nongktieh
9. Nongbah
10. Thangrai
11. Dienshynrun
12. Kairang
13. Moolamylliang
14. Umsatai
15. Jarain
16. Tluh
17. Moolait
18. Jalaphet Bri-Sutnga
19. Narwan
20. Badri Rongding Awe
21. Dobakol nengja
22. Jonsingittim
23. Nongalbibra
24. Dilma Ampanggre
25. Nengkre Awe
These plans have been attached to the email below.
5 1 Conduct village and household level training and implement plans pertaining to food forest plantation, water conservation measures on household and village level like bunds, swales, gabions, check dams, earth dams, etc. D: Hands-on training of community and implementation of community plans in 25 villages.
M: Per village: 30 people trained, 0.5 acres per household planted, rain water harvesting structure dugouts etc constructed.
Months 1-6 (6 Mo) from Date of Receipt of Payment
Months 7-12 (6 Mo) from Date of Receipt of Payment 2.
Completed. Completed This is a link to a video depicting some feedback from the community to Sadhana Forest:
6 2 Handholding and refresher training for SPMU and DPMU personnel and relevant line departments. D: Training for SPMU, DPMU and line departments.
M: Relevant CLLMP and GOI/GOM staff for 25 villages are trained.
Months 1-4 (4 Mo) from Date of Receipt of Payment 4. Completed. Completed Sixteen days of one-day NRM trainings were organized in East Jaintia Hills, East Khasi Hills, South West Khasi Hills and East Garo Hills. Trainings for villages from South West Khasi Hills and Ribhoi District were organized by the CLLMP office over a span of three days instead of four and the last day of training was canceled. Due to the lack of participation of the VNRMC’s from Garo Hills, two days of trainings were canceled by the office of East Garo Hills that was co-ordinating and handling the logistics for trainings in Garo Hills. As a result, thirteen out of the sixteen trainings were conducted.
7 2 Monitoring and Evaluation D: Impact assessment and recommendation of corrective measures
M: for 25 villages
Months 1 – 4 Completed. Completed All villages and intervention sites were visited. Assessment of impact and recommendation of corrective measures for the villages have been recorded.
8 2 Submission of completion report with details. D: Submission of Reports.
M: (1 Mo) from Date of Receipt of Payment 8.
Month 6 Report submitted. Completed Payment pending.
Final report of completion of work with details was submitted on 30 April 2022.

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