District:- Ri Bhoi
Saiden Village falls under Umling C&RD block of Ri-Bhoi district in the state of Meghalaya. The village is at a distance of 3.5 Kms from Nongpoh, the district headquarters of Ri Bhoi District and is at a total distance of 50 Kms from the state capital, Shillong. It falls under Raid Lyngdoh Nongkhyrlem with a total geographical area of 1039.33 ha and a total population of 1650 villagers.
Village Profile
Saiden village is located in Umling Block of Ri-Bhoi District, in the state of Meghalaya. It came into existence in the year 1934. The village has 328 households and is a home to 1650 people. The distance from the District Headquarter to Saiden is 3.5 kms. The village is under the supervision of the Rangbah Shnong.
The traditional form of governance prevails where the village head is the Rangbah shnong. There is a Village Employment Council (VEC) that oversees the implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act and other developmental works. Besides women representation in the VEC, the village women are members of a women only village based organization that provides them a platform for decision making on various issues pertaining to the village.
There are a number of streams and springs in and around the village. The main source of livelihood is agriculture. The Village not only produces cash crops but also various fruits, vegetables, betel vine, tomatoes and Broom-Grass.
There are six schools inside the village, five of which are private institutions and one is the Govt. Upper primary School, Saiden. The health dispensary is 3 km away; the nearest Bank is about 3 km away and the Post office is also 3 kms from the village.
Drinking Water: There is a shortage of water during the dry season village. The existing springs are seasonal and their discharge is very low which leads to water scarcity in the village
Jhum cultivation: mainly take up traditional approaches of cultivation like Jhum or the shifting cultivation
- Ground Truthing
Dated: 29th of July 2019
The CLLMP team met with Mr. Morningstar Ryndong, Secretary of Saiden village on the 29th of July 2019. He provided the team with important information regarding the current scenario of the landscape and the natural resource management under the current leadership.
Case Findings:
- There are a total of 325 HH out of which 150 fall under the BPL category.
- There are 7 hamlets in the village
- Approximately 80-90 acres of land is required for afforestattion.
- Their forest falls under the village governance
- They have two main rivers, “Wah Umpli” and “Wah Umran”
2. Sensitization Programme
Dated: 20th of August 2019
The District Project Manager and the Assistant Managers held a village Level sensitization Programme on the Community Led Landscape Management project on the 20th of August 2019.The villagers actively participated in the program, voicing out their concerns and questions regarding the project making it a huge success.
The CLLMP officials gave a brief introduction on Meghalaya Basin Management Agency (MBMA) and elucidated about the various programmes and projects that MBMA is working on, they then gave a detailed introduction on the Community led Landscape Management Project (CLLMP) and the different aspects and procedures that the villagers and the CLLMP team should carry out during the course of the project and the importance of the involvement of the community for the CLLM-Project to be a success. They gave due importance on the environmental aspects of the project and enlightened them on the various benefits that the villagers could obtain from the project.
2.2 Signing of Documents: After the interactive session, the village signed the Expression of Interest (EOI), the Village Grant Agreement (VGA) and the Citizen’s Green charter on the same day.
2.3 Formation of the VNRMC
The Formation of the Village Natural Resource Management Committee was done in a public meeting in the presence of the entire village and the CLLMP staffs. The community itself chose the President, the Secretary and the other executive members of the Committee.
3. Opening of Bank Account.
The opening of the bank account was initiated after the village signed the EOI (Expression of Interest), the VGA (Village Grant Agreement) and the Green Charter. The Accountant of the Ri Bhoi CLLMP team trained the Purchasing and Procurement Committee of Saiden Village on matters relating to Accounts and Book Keeping on the 10th of December 2019.
4. PRA Exercise
The PRA exercise aims to incorporate the knowledge and opinions of the community in the planning and management of development projects and programmes. PRA exercise at Saiden Village took place on the 19th of September 2019. There were a total of 90 villagers who participated in this exercise.
5. Training on the Development of the Community Natural Resource Management Plan (CNRMP)
With the completion of the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Exercise, a joint training to help the VNRMCs of Umling Block develop their Community Natural Resource Management Plan or CNRMP was organized on the 1st of October 2019 at the Community Hall of Mawroh Village.
Members of the VNRMC from Saiden Village were also present for the training.
Submission of CNRMP Plan for the First Phase
List of Community Natural Resource Management Plan at Saiden Village.
1 | Contour trenches | Lumkseh, Mawdaron, Umkuri |
2 | Check Dam | Lumkseh |
3 | Catchment area afforestation | Lad iewsier |
4 | Fencing | Lumkseh |
5 | Contour bunds | Lumkseh, Mawdaron, Umkuri |
6 | Spring Chamber | Nongkyndang |
7 | Recharge pits | Nongkyndang |
8 | Recharge pits | Lad iewsier |
9 | Community Nursery | JakaBalang |
10 | Afforestation | Lumsohnaru, Lumpdengshnong, Lumsohram, Prangthem |
11 | Fire protection | Lumsohnaru |
12 | Contour bunds | Mawpdang |
13 | Bench Terracing | Mawpdang, Mawdaron, Umkuri |
14 | Loose boulder bunds | Mawpdang, Mawdaron, Umkuri |
15 | Stone wall | Mawpdang, Mawdaron, Umkuri |
16 | Hill Side Ditch | Mawpdang, Mawdaron, Umkuri |
17 | Vermi compost | Kpershnong |
18 | NADEP composting | Kpershnong |
6. Project Implementation
1. |
Type Of Intervention |
Site Name
GPS Co-ordinates
Amount Sanctioned |
Work Status |
Check Dam |
Ir sohpheiling |
25.879030°N |
91.873352°E |
₹ 2,41,500.00
Completed |
2. |
Type Of Intervention |
Site Name
GPS Co-ordinates
Amount Sanctioned |
Work Status |
Spring Chamber
Nongkyndang Umrit |
25.874194 °N |
91.881249 °E |
₹ 65,500.00
On-going |
3. |
Type Of Intervention |
Site Name
GPS Co-ordinates
Amount Sanctioned |
Work Status |
Fire-Line Control
Saiden |
25.8771 °N |
91.8754°E |
₹ 41,130.00
Completed |
Fund Status
Name of Village |
Fund Released to VNRMC |
Total No. of Work Orders Issued |
Total amount Issued under CLLMP (Per Activity) |
Total Amount Spent |
Saiden Village |
₹ 5,82,700.00 |
3 |
Check Dam |
₹ 2,41,500.00 |
Contour Trenches
₹ 65,500.00
Forest Fire Line Control
(₹ 41,130.00)