Kynton Mynnar

Kynton Mynnar

District:- East Khasi Hills Introduction Kynton Mynnar village falls under Sohiong C&RD Block of East Khasi Hills in the state of Meghalaya. The village lies at a distance of 13 kilometers from block headquarters Sohiong and 40 kilometers from district and state...
Umdohbyrthih Village

Umdohbyrthih Village

District:- Ri Bhoi Introduction Umdohbyrthih Village falls under Bhoirymbong C&RD block of Ri-Bhoi district in the state of Meghalaya. The village is at a distance of 50 Kms from Nongpoh, the district headquarters of Ri Bhoi District, 5 kms from Umsning, the Block...
Shngimawlein Village

Shngimawlein Village

District:- South West Khasi Hills Introduction Shngimawlein village is located about 22 km away from Mawkyrwat, the District headquarter of South West Khasi Hills District and 93 km from the head office of MBDA, Shillong. The village lies on the Jakrem-Kynshi road...
Ronggopgre Village

Ronggopgre Village

District:- North Garo Hills Introduction Ronggopgre  village  falls under Bajengdoba C&RD block in North Garo Hills district in Meghalaya. The village is at a distance of 38 km away from  Resubelpara the district headquarter of North Garo Hills District....
Kreit Village

Kreit Village

District:- East Khasi Hills Introduction Kreit Village falls under Sohiong C&RD Block of East Khasi Hills in the state of Meghalaya. The village lies at a distance of 20 kilometers from block headquarters Sohiong and 59 kilometers from district and state capital...
Aminda Simsangre Village

Aminda Simsangre Village

District:- West Garo Hills Introduction Aminda Simsanggre falls under Gambegre C&RD Block in  West Garo Hills District in the state of  Meghalaya. The village is at a distance of about  3 km from the Block office and 22 km from the district headquarter, Tura. The...